Add-ons Features

Apr 08, 2016

We get a lot of feature requests but it's very difficult to have them all on Techpacker without ruining the simple, core experience we work really hard to maintain. That's why we’re happy to announce the launch of Add-Ons.

What are Add-Ons?

Add-Ons are these features that you can enable and disable to provide extra functionality. Add-Ons will be disabled by default, keeping your experience as clean as possible.

How to see Add-Ons Menu?

To see all available Add-Ons, slide out the add-ons menu on the far right of your screen by clicking on the Arrow (see below image). From there, you can enable or disable Add-Ons. There are two add-ons available for launch: grading and explore. In future, we will be adding lot more add-ons. Leave us a message below if you have any specific add-ons that you would like to see.

To learn about how to activate these features such as Grading, see next chapter.

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